Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tight Jeans In 2009..

"Some people say man yo pants is tight so that means you like guys." "I don't even have to holla at some girls to make yall know that I don't like guys but I think that a lot of gay people dress really good, so I think that you should take tips from them... to advance your style of dressing." "When I started to wear my jeans like this a lot of people tried to call me gay or whatever but it's like... I just laugh at that now." "I don't take offense to anything that anybody says about me at this point." Kanye West

Here I am in school blogging, when I should be working. Anywho, I can totally relate to this because where I live guys really dress shitty, (not to be mean or anything) there are a select few "that get it in) but the majority of guys think another is gay just because his jeans are skinny or a little tight, I mean c'mon am
I gay just because I wear fitted jean? HELL NO!!!!

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